Monday 4 February 2013

My boyfriend is a genetic freak.

So with the commencement of my new training and diet regime, I was encouraged by Rad from Global Fitness to go and get a Dexa Scan, that way he can properly work out my nutritional plan to achieve weight-loss whilst preparing for my up and coming comp in May. 
I knew that I had stacked on a few extra kg's over the Christmas period. Vietnam hotels just don't offer gym equipment for girls (or boys) that like to lift weights. 
Upon discovering that I had accumulated 25% body fat, I knew this road ahead wasn't going to be easy. 
With my man now agreeing not to keep anything in the house to tempt my wavering willpower and also agreeing to eat whatever I do, Rad offered to write him a specific eating plan based on his Dexa scan results. 
Now to summerise, on average (pre holiday), I do resistance training 4-5x per week, I walk the dogs frequently (I should do more cardio), I am careful about what I eat despite the odd sugar monster battle here and there.
My GF (Genetic freak) of a man, eats whatever the hell he feels like, whenever he feels like it, washed down daily with a beer or two (low carb but beer non the less). Although he plays AFL (Aussie rules football for those non Aussies reading this). He has only just started pre season training which he may do once or twice a week, he runs from time to time and rarely lifts weights (unless I drag him to the gym with me). Based on what he looks like, think adonis (okay okay slightly bias here) but think well built with some pretty decent muscle mass and no wobbly bits (despite my insistence that he is getting moobs)...I guessed he would come in low but he sits at 11% body fat with a muscle mass of 77% - typically for someone of his height 60% is good but no, no he has to smash the results and achieve something truly amazing considering how much/little effort he puts in. 
The key thing is that men and women's bodies differ greatly in terms of muscle verses fat and women have to work A LOT harder, my man has also been super sporty his whole life and did put a lot of work into his body when he was younger, I on the other hand only started my true quest for health and wellness as recently as 2006, I also didn't really like gyms until I was about 28!! I am making up for lost time while age works against me. JOY! 
Here are the results of our scans: 


  1. Great post! :) Looking forward to seeing and hearing more!

  2. Great first post. I dread to think what my scan would look like!

    Lauren x
    Gordon + Gold
